Saturday, December 18, 2010

Books that Heal

Managing Stress with the Word of God by Dr Miriam Kinai teaches you Biblical principles and Medical Techniques such as Christian mediation and abdominal breathing to manage stress effectively. It combines the two approaches to help you manage all stressful situations including those without an earthly solution such as terminal illnesses. 

Rules of Relaxation by Dr. Miriam Kinai teaches you 130 simple relaxation techniques from Assert Yourself, Bask, Cast your Burdens, Drink Herbal Teas, Establish Social Support, Jaunt, Nab a Nap, Optimize Stress, eXperiment with Aromatherapy, Yield to the Lord, Zap Job Stress to ensure that stress will never distress you again. 

SWORD WORDS by Dr. Miriam Kinai teaches you how to fight your spiritual battles using the WORD of God which is the SWORD of the Spirit. It tells you how to wield your SWORD WORDS to fight for your business, family, finances, health, marriage, ministry etc as well as how to fight addiction, confusion, despair, fear, opposition etc.

Resolving Conflicts just like Jesus Christ by Dr. Miriam Kinai uses examples from Jesus Christ to King Solomon to teach you Conflict Resolution Strategies, Third Party Mediation Techniques and Conflict Reduction so that you can increase the peace in your home, the productivity of your ministry and the profitability of your business. 

Managing Stress for Teens by Dr. Miriam Kinai teaches teenagers Biblical principles, medical techniques and life skills to manage 80 teenage stressors. Topics covered include resisting drugs, overcoming addiction, managing anger, worry, despair, sickness, suicide, resisting fornication, pornography and answering "Who am I?", "Why am I here?"

Managing Acne Naturally by Dr. Miriam Kinai teaches you natural therapies and remedies to treat acne. Topics covered include dietary measures, nutritional supplements, juice therapy, herbs, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy as well as superior skin care, stress management and understanding product labels.

Vitamins to Avoid by Dr. Miriam Kinai teaches you the specific patient factors (e.g. age), medical conditions (e.g. leukemia), prescription medications (e.g. insulin) and medical therapies (e.g. radiotherapy)  you should not take concurrently with vitamin A, B. C, D, E and K in order to avoid developing adverse side effects.

Natural and Holistic Treatment for Diabetes by Dr. Miriam Kinai teaches you how to manage diabetes naturally. Topics covered include: Diabetic diet, Nutritional supplements, Herbs, A simple exercise plan, Stress management, Aromatherapy, Weight loss and Smoking cessation. 

How to Create a Christian Spa at Home by Dr. Miriam Kinai gives you the tips to create a physically, mentally and spiritually rejuvenating Christian themed spa in your home.  It contains over 30 spa beauty and spa cuisine recipes and 25 Christian Home Spa Activities to help you prepare a perfect home spa party.

How to Plan a Low Cost Chic Wedding by Dr. Miriam Kinai teaches you the tips to help you plan a beautiful wedding on a tight budget. It gives you a list of free resources from software to patterns and recipes to help you save on money but not on style. It also shows you how you can creatively improvise to create a low cost chic wedding.

To order the paperbacks, email

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